
When I was 8 I fell in love with the best sport there is: rugby. And that is not just my opinion, it's a fact, sorry. I played for almost 9 years in the same team and I stopped only for physical reason, indeed my love for it is still intact (although is not easy to watch, being an Italy fan).

I did not stop doing sports though, I played ultimate for a year after that. Starting the university made me stop for a while with team sports, since I needed a more flexible approach, as I was adjusting to the new situation.

I found the perfect solution when I started climbing, and I was positively surprised by it. I started in the gym and then I decided to also try actual rock climbing outdoor, and now it has been almost 5 year from when I started and I still enjoy as the first time. My friends and I mostly do what is called bouldering, also outdoor, but we have tried some more classic rope climbing too.

While I was trying all these different sports I also had a constant passion in snowboarding, that I had the opportunity to start practicing from a young age. Together with that I also really enjoy going on holiday in the mountains, in particular in the amazing Dolomites.

Lately I have also decided to get a scuba diver certificate, since I always enjoyed diving underwater, and I hope in the future to be able to keep pursuing this passion, in order to get more advance licenses.

Here I have some photos of all this stuff.